Monday, June 14, 2010

Again I say Think Pink Flamingo

Lately, I have not been up to blogging.  I could rant about the injustices and cruelty of the world, blah, blah, blah.  But I don't even want to listen to that so instead I want to talk about my flamingos.  Cause I have a lot of them.


I especially like my skeleton flamingos, so much so, I have two pairs of these ghastly babies.  I look at them and think, black is the new pink.  My only complaint about the skeleton flamingos is that they don' t glow in the dark. Darnnit!

This large lovely is one of my newest flamingos, I call him Triplett, after my three friends that gave him to me.  Triplett rode around in the back of car for over a month just because it made me smile.  So today rather than moan about the bad stuff in my life I am going to look at my flock of pink flamingos and hope for days when I am more in the pink. Pink is the new black.

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