Friday, August 5, 2011

Scrappy Bag, Warning This is a Very Knitty Post

I have loved the Plymouth Earth, Oceanside Organic yarn I used to knit the yoga socks.  The yarn and the pattern made a very soft, but elastic fabric.  I had two small balls of yarn left over and wanted to knit something fun out of the leftovers and decided a small bag would be nice.

With my limited amount of yarn I cast on 60 stitches on 3 size 6 dpn.  I knitted about an inch and then did a double yarnover after the 5th stitch and a knit 2 together after the double yarnover.  The next round I opened the yarnover making it just one stitch.  I knit for about another inch and then I did the classic knit 2 together yarnover combination for a row and followed it with a knit row until I had the length I wanted.

Once It started to look like I was running out of yarn, I knitted a row and then quickly went to decreasing the bottom.  I knit 8 and then did an knit 2 together, repeating to the end of the row.  The next row was a knit row, followed by knit 7, knit 2 together, repeating until the end of the row.  The next row was a knit row, followed by a knit 6, knit 2 together, repeating until the end of the row.  The next row was a knit row, followed by a knit 5, knit 2 together, repeating until the end of the row.  The next row was a knit row, followed by a knit 4, knit 2 together, repeating until the end of the row.  The next row was a knit row, followed by a knit 3, knit 2 together, repeating until the end of the row. The next row was a knit row, followed by a knit 2, knit 2 together, repeating until the end of the row. The next row was a knit row, followed by a knit 1, knit 2 together, repeating until the end of the row. The next row was a knit row, followed by, knit 2 together, repeating until the end of the row.   I was left with 6 stitches and very little yarn.  I put 3 stitches on one needle and 3 on the second needle.  I very gently turned the bag inside out with the dpns still on the stitches.  I did a three needle bind off and wove in the ends. 

I have found that bamboo I-cords make the best drawstrings because the slide very easily.  I made approximately a 24 inch cord and double threaded it through my eyelets and knotted the ends together to give it a good closure.  I think if I had more yarn I would have knitted another inch on the top so the it had a taller opening.  In the end I had a 4 inch tail, so I was sweating having enough yarn on the bottom, but the goddesses of knitting smiled on me and I have a great bag for carrying fruit to work.

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