The island has a civil war fort, a bird sanctuary, and lots and lots of gulf views of gulls, breakers, ferries, and oil rigs pumping up black gold. Some places you could even see large pieces of equipment working on cleaning up some of that black gold that wrecked so much havoc on the gulf last year. A part of me would love to live this kind life, but I know within a week I would feel trapped by this thirteen mile strip of land.
To break up the monotony we went to Mobile for a Mardi Gras parade. The floats were wonderful as they rained beads, cups, masks, toys, and moonpies down on the crowds. I caught many beads and a few moonpies. This parade was probably the largest parade I have ever been to and honestly it wasn't really that big. Mobile is very serious about their Mardi Gras season, apparently this parade was one of several.
I made it a point to get into the party celebration and be-decked myself with beads and a very fabulous pair of shades.
Parades and sandy beaches aside the best thing about my trip was spending time with my mother and baby sister. They are two of my favorite people and hanging out with them is always fun. We shopped, we ate good food, and just enjoyed each others company. Mom came home from her winter break and we are all at our respective homes with memories and some fun photos to remember our good times. I love vacation.