Saturday, April 12, 2008

The Case of the Runaway Yarn

I would like to think of myself as cool and hip, that strangers see me as I wander through their lives as this unique dash of green fabulousness. It is a terrible thing when that careful bubble of delusion is busted. Fate or the gods of humility painfully remind me that I am just a graceless dork.

Thursday night is my girls night with my favorite person, my Cuz. We do dinner, yarn stores, and a book barn. We vary our activities, but essentially that is our evening. This week we meet at Dewey's because we love the half and half pizza concept there. I was sitting in a chair waiting for a table happily just knitting along on my dishrag when we were called to the table. I was mid-stitch so rather than stop I got up and blithely walked to the table knitting the last few stitches.

In my mind I saw this image of myself brilliantly walking across the crowded dining room, knitting, inspiring those who saw me to admire my skill and self assurance. I was almost at the table and something tugged at my arm. I looked down to see I had spilled my knitting bag and my yarn was winding through the tables taunt on my needles. YIKES!!! I might have made a bigger fool of myself had not my Cuz dutifully followed behind me rolling up the unraveled ball. Oh yeah I am so smooth! In the end the only damage was to my self esteem.

Hubris is an ugly thing.

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