Monday, January 2, 2012

Lucky 21 and Now We are 12

My New Year's Resolution for 2011 was to be lucky.  I re-checked my blog and saw that I tagged 21 of my posts with lucky and to be honest I felt lucky most of the year.  I saw many old friends in 2011, I went to weddings, including my own, and most importantly no one close to me died.  So to 2011 I say lucky me!  I will take that good luck with me the rest of my life and always know one can truly resolve to be lucky.

As for 2012 I had thought of several resolutions: saving the planet, fixing the financial crisis, not mooing at cows when I see them by the side of the road.  However, I wanted something I could actually achieve (not mooing at cows is hard).  In the end I notice that I tend to focus on the end product without enjoying the process of getting there.  I want to slow it down and enjoy my journey instead of rushing to finish line.  There it is, me not wishing my life away to get to the weekend, but me taking pleasure in eating my apple on the way to work, savoring every bite, and living my life more fully. 

As I do every year, I read my tarot cards and discovered this year will definitely be a year for a journey.  I will be traveling through the terrain of growth and self awareness.  I would say wish me luck with my resolution, but I think I already have that one in the bag.


ariel said...

While the journey can be fun/teaching/filled wiyj laughter, I'm always scared of it. Good luck on yours this year, and keep your eyes open.

Tempest ina Pot of Tea said...

Thanks Ariel, I am still trying to figure out how to do this everyday, but lucky I have almost a whole year to get to this goal. ;)