Like my inspiration, Alice, I got to celebrate my unbirthday this year. I must admit this was the perfect year for an unbirthday. My friends Rachel and Deborah asked me early in the year to join an Alice in Wonderland swap. Though the swap sounded fun, I had to pass, my life was just not conducive to the whimsical mood of the swap. But not to despair the wonderful ladies decided I deserved an Alice in Wonderland present anyway. And oh my little White Rabbits was it fun.

I got Alice in Wonderland books, buttons, cards, postcards, stitch markers, posters, quilt pattern, bookmarks, bag, yarn, and mitts (whew). I was overwhelmed by the bounty in my bag. I just kept expecting the Mad Hatter to jump out and proclaim "Clean cup move down."

Deborah made me the bag (with awesome inside pockets) depicting beautiful scenes from the original book. She also made me lovely bookmarks that are delightful to behold. Much love, Deborah, much love.

Rachel, yarn dyer extraordinary gave me some of her luscious creations, Hookah You and Flamingos on the Croquet Lawn sock yarn. Gorgeous! And as if not enough Rachel knitted me a pair of Pretty Lace Hand Warmers (
www.purlbee.com/pretty-lace-handwarmers/ ). Every item out of the bag got an ooohhh and an aaahhh, and filled my heart with love. OK I am verklempt all over again.

Thank you ladies, this was the best unbirthday presents ever!
It was so much fun to make this for you. I'm really glad you liked everything!
Didn't Deborah outdo herself on the wrappings and handmade goodies? She's awesome! I'm glad you liked it. We had a lot of fun putting it together.
Actually, you both outdid yourselves, I am so lucky to have such innovative friends. Those handmade presents were perfect. Thank you both much love.
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