Friday, November 16, 2007


Okay, first I have to admit that I am one of those people who don't like to think about let alone look at feet. Even pretty and pedicured feet kind of give me the queasies. So the fact that I am prominently displaying my foot in a sock should be a clue that I am damned proud of myself for knitting a sock (notice it has no mate at this point).

After I completed the sock I tromped around my front room in one sock shouting, "SOCK!" as if I were a cavewoman who had just invented fire. Not that I invent knitted socks and that people have been knitting them for millennium. Forget also that the sock is slightly too big and the heel feels a little weird, I novice knitter, made a sock. Yes, I am flush with the victory of it. Granted I have two feet and I have to replicate my efforts for a second sock. Still, I get knitter cred for having knit a sock. Okay so for you non-knitters this seems like a ridiculous post, to them I say, "SOCK!"

On other news I must admit that I have changed my route to work, I no longer drive by Chicken and Waffles. It had become just too tempting. I knew one day I would stop and have to go in and who knows what would happen next. I would become addicted to the place and then I would force all my friends to traipse up to the northside to experience the enigma of Chicken and Waffles. So count your blessings.

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