Sunday, December 2, 2007

The time has come

Finally, I am done with this project. And yes to those counting it is another ribbon scarf. It has been one of the worst project I have worked on so far. I saw the pattern for a scribble scarf in Mason Dixon Knits and thought it was lovey. Lovely, yes, but my choice of material was probably my downfall. I chose ribbon, the slippery stuff, and mohair, the clingy stuff. And to make the matter worse this is part of my mother's Christmas present. The mistakes are legion here, and I do mean legion. And I never want to work with mohair again. That stuff is awful and it feels funny too. At one point the ball of ribbon rolled away and into the other room meanwhile the mohair was knotted up at my needles. It was pitiful, I was pitiful. But last night with the help of my cuz and Torchwood I got it done. Yeah for me!!! So looking beyond the mistakes I will give it to my mom and she will inevitably say, "Dear this is nice," and put it away with the painted pasta necklace I made her while I was in the first grade. We will never discuss it again.
As to the rest of my week it has been a whirlwind of errors. I forgot to check the schedule this week and didn't show up to open the library. For those who want to know how you open a library, you use a key. But that getting it ready to open requires a list things that have to be done before the patrons come in at nine. A co-worker begrudingly picked up the slack for me, but trust me I will pay for that. I lost my wallet, but thankful I had dropped it at home, I left my mobile at home for a whole day, and then I drank too much at a party yesterday. All in all not a stellar week. EXCEPT I got the scarf done. So all is not lost.
I did also eat at an amazing Italian restaurant Friday night, Cugino's in Florrisant. The chicken spiedini was awesome. The outside crispy, the inside tender and filled with cheese and tomato, and next to it was a side of rendered lemon butter. I had some love in my tummy after that.
So again something else to go into the plus side for my week.
However, on the negative side is that KGITS who has taken me to good restaurants and given me sweet cranberry wine still gets no e-mail from me, because her e-mail address is out in my car. Sorry KGITS.

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