Friday, November 13, 2009

Day Thirteen: Gratitude

I am so grateful to day for getting good surprises in the mail!!! Yesterday I got two very cool elongated coins (ec) in the mail to add to my collection. They were completely unexpected and now in the company of many other ecs. I was once traveling for work and straped for cash, but was able to rub two quarters and a penny together to get an inexpensive souvenier. The habit stuck and I now have coins from all the United States and Canada.

My former co-worker and friend, Donna, will occasionally pick me an ec when she travels. Apparently she is recently returned from Boston and Cape Cod. I don't know which made me more excited, getting something cool in the mail or that Donna thought of me in Boston. I was giddy with the unexpected bounty of ripping open the envelope and find these lovelies.

Thank you Donna, and thank you United States Post Office for delivering joy right to my door. I am always grateful for such a thoughtful gift.

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